Effective Public Speaking

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Good communication skills are vital in today’s word, both professionally and private. Public speaking is used in everything from business functions to giving a wedding toast or a funeral eulogy. The number one fear most people have is speaking in public. This is especially true in the business world. This fear may interfere with career advancement. Good public speaking skills help with interviews, sales calls, negotiations and meetings. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines public speaking as: “the art of effective oral communication with an audience.” In a sense-you are the actor and the people you are speaking to are the audience. Most speeches and presentations are similar to written research papers or thesis. They contain an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Plan out what your will say in these three parts. The introduction is good for an attention grabber. The conclusion is used to wrap things up. It is a well-known fact that people remember things best in lists of three. Try to build your presentation around no more than 3 key messages. Know the needs of your audience. Do not prepare a speech on how to grill the perfect hamburger if you are speaking to a group of Vegetarians. Try to match your content to their needs. Visual aids are important to many presentations but don’t overdo it. Know your material. It is acceptable to look at notes but do not read your entire presentation. Practice and rehearse you speech or presentation before you give it in public. Some people use a tape recorder or a video camera. Speak slowly, enunciate clearly and show appropriate feeling for your topic. Do not rush through your topic but be aware of any time constraints. On the day of your speech or presentation dress appropriately for the occasion. Do not show up in jeans and a t-shirt for an important business meeting with the board, or
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