Effective Packaging and Exportation of Nigerian Palm Wine

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EFFECTIVE PACKAGING AND EXPORTATION OF NIGERIAN PALM WINE, THE ISSUES PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS The palm sap/wine is the major product from the Raphia palm. The production of palm sap/wine forms one of the most important occupational engagements of the rural inhabitants in the Nigerian belt. The palm wine tapping activities is done indiscriminately (Obahiagbon and Osagie, 2007). To obtain the sap, the Raphia palm is tapped daily in the traditional manner described by Tulley (1964). Some native tappers in the south-south of Nigeria apply heat to stimulate the flow of the sap at the panel where the receiver is hung (Otedoh, 1990). The sap of Raphia palm is drunk by millions of people in Africa, as a beverage. The sap ferments within few hours and turns to an alcoholic drink referred to as palm wine in Nigeria (Bassir, 1962). The sap is colorless and very sugary/ sweet (Obahiagbon et al., 2007). The drinking of palm wine signals the start and end of all social activities undertaken by 50 million people of southern Nigeria. The Raphia palms alone contribute about 20% of the palm wine drunk in its unfermented as well as fermented states, depending on the choice of the consumer (Obahiagbon and Osagie, 2007). Due to the significance of Raphia palm sap/wine in ceremonies like obituary, marriage and for general entertainment, attempts to preserve the product was initiated by Levi and Oruche (1957), but was not successful. Okafor (1975) examined the suitability of sorbic acid, sodium metabisulphite and diethyl pyro-carbonate (DEPC) in palm wine preservation. He concluded from the studies that sorbic acid was most suitable for palm wine preservation because of its wider spectrum of bactericidal action and its tolerance in fairly large quantity by man, in spite of its insolubility in palm wine and color impartation. The change in color of palm wine from the normal white did not

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