Boil at least 10 minutes. 7. While the metal is still in the boiling water bath, measure the temperature of the boiling water carefully with a thermometer and record to tenths, one decimal place, in Data Table 2 8. After the metal has been heating 10 minutes, remove the metal from the boiling water bath using the string. Immediately transfer the metal into the calorimeter cup so that the water covers the metal.
25 ml of diluted unknown acid solution to 100ml beaker by using 25 volumetric pipet. 10ml of deionized water and 3 drops of phenlpthalin indicator the beaker labeled as 3. Potentiometric titration acid solutions 125 ml of NaOH was obtaining in a beaker and 50 ml of NaOH transfer to buret the tip and the meniscus is at below 0 ml. one magnetic stirring bar placed in a beaker contain one of the known solution on a stir. The pH recorded by using pH electrode before adding NaOH.
The mixture was decanted again in to the same beaker. Next, we added boiling chips to the liquid and evaporated the solvent over the hot plates under the hood. After the solvent was evaporated and the flask was cooled, we used a spatula to remove a small amount of the crude product and took its melting point. We determined the melting point range of the sample to be 43.0-46.0 degrees Celcius.The crude product was yellow colored when it was warm and orange in color when cooled and sticky. We then recrystallized our sample using 5 ml of warm acetone that was heated on a hot plate under a hood.
I then allowed the remaining liquid to evaporate leaving behind salt. I poured the salt into the weighing dish and weighed the mass and calculated and recorded into table 1. Data Table 1: Experiment Data Grams Percent of Mixture Iron Fillings 0.9 gm 19.6 % Sand 1.4 gm 30.4 %
Gather all materials 2. Heat 200mL of water in the beaker for 90 seconds 3. Place the bulb of one thermometer just below the surface of the water 4. Record the initial temperature at the top 5. At the same time, place the second thermometer bulb just at about the bottom of the beaker 6.
Apparatus: • Safety glasses • Bunsen burner • Heat proof mat • Sodium thiosulphate • Hydrochloric acid • 100 ml of conical flask • Stop watch • 50 ml measuring cylinder • 10 ml measuring cylinder • Distilled water • Ice • Apron • Beaker Method 1. Collect safety equipment (apron and safety glasses) 2. Collect all materials and apparatuses 3. Set up the practical for room temperature test. 4.
Second, methyl benzoate is added to form a new carbon-carbon sigma bond. The intermediate magnesium alkoxide will then be hydrolyzed to form tertiary alcohol product. Experimental Procedure: Part A: Preparing the Grignard reagent • I placed 1.98 grams of magnesium turnings into a cleaned 250mL round-bottom flask and then attached the calcium chloride drying tube into the round-bottom flask • Then, I placed this flask onto a heating mantel and adjust the controller to setting ‘6’. This flask is heated until it was too hot to touch. • After the flask was heated, I removed it from the heating mantel and allowed it to cool to room temperature.
8. Placed the remaining mixture, containing sand, benzoic acid and table salt into beaker and added 50mL of distilled water. 9. Set up the beaker stand and burner fuel and heated the beaker of solids and water to near boiling. Stirred the mixture to make sure all soluble material dissolves.
Experiment: Materials: -2 graduated cylinders -4 food colorings -something to stir with -1 beaker -50 mL of water -25 mg of salt -scale to measure salt -timer Procedure: measure 10 mg of salt in the scale and put it in the bottom of the graduated cylinder before putting in anything else measure 50 mL of water and put it in a beaker add 15 mg of salt to the 50 mL of water and stir it until it is completely dissolved carefully put 10 mL of the saltwater in the graduated cylinder with the salt in the bottom put 2 drops of food coloring in the saltwater that is in the graduated cylinder wait about 1 minute until that saltwater layer is completely colored add 10 mL of water to the beaker that has saltwater in it so that the salinity of the water decreases. stir. carefully pour the water with less salt into the graduated cylinder that has the other layer(s) add 2 drops of another color to the new layer that has less salt and wait 1 minute a second layer should me forming repeat steps 7-9 so that more layers can be made Observations: the new layers take some
Equipment List * Boiling Tube * 10 cm3 1mol dm-3 Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) * 15 cm3 1mol dm-3 Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) * pH and Temperature Probes * Data Logger * Measuring Cylinder ‘ * Boiling Tube * Teat Pipette Method * Add 10ml of Hydrochloric acid, measured in a measuring cylinder, into a boiling tube. * Into a data logger, plug in both pH and temperature probes and switch on data logger. * Put in both the probes and measure both the temperature and pH before adding any other substances. * Add 1cm3 of Sodium Hydroxide, measured in a measuring cylinder, to the Hydrochloric acid, and