Effect of Movie on Youth

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Movies are created to provide refreshment and recreation to people. Not only for recreation, they create awareness about happenings in our surroundings. But now a day movies had a great impact on not only youth but also on children. Impact mainly depends on us, any movie will have bad and good and it is ourselves should able to distinguish between them. If we take positive things in a movie we definitely have a positive impact. Now a day, creation of movie become completely commercial, no body is thinking of the society but thinking only about money. When man comes home after day’s work, he needs some sort of entertainment and relaxation. Film has proved a wonderful and forceful means of entertainment and amusement. A young man of today can go without food but not without a film. The film is the cheapest and the most popular form of amusement which a labour can also afford. Students prefer films to reading books. Thus, cinema exercises a very powerful effect on society. Film is a universal teacher. It educates the people in different branches of learning. Our film producers have made very purposeful films against some of the social evils as dowry system, the labour exploitation. It can teach us natural history, geography, botany, chemistry etc. Documentary films lead us to a street in New York or to a park of Tokyo. These films increase our knowledge, broaden our outlook. Social pictures throw light on social evils as untouchability, casteism, unemployment and the curse of widowhood, etc. These films ripen our eyes and create in us an urge for improvement. Cinema has a great commercial value also. It is itself a great industry, Lakh of men and women are directly or indirectly employed in this industry. It is a good and easy means of advertisement. Things and articles can

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