Effect Of Living With Secret Sin

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I think that the effect of someone living with a secret sin would be devastating to that person’s life. The reason I think this is because this person would have to live their entire life keeping this horrible secret, and never be able to tell anyone. This would either drive this person crazy, or force them to tell someone else about what they did. Also, they could develop an alcohol and/or drug addiction, which would cause more problems in the life of this person. A drug problem could lead to strained relationships with family and friends, suicidal thoughts, or other people being hurt. This leads me to my next point. If a person has a sin that they are afraid of anyone else finding out about, it not only affects that person, it affects everyone in their life. It would make that person nervous all the time and scared that someone would find out about the secret, and eventually wouldn’t even go around people anymore. That could lead to this person hurting themselves, because they don’t have anybody to help them out or to talk to about their problems. So, if someone has a secret sin, they most likely are having a difficult time in life and they are drastically failing. The only way they could make their life less of a failure is to tell people and let it out what they did, no matter how bad it is and except the consequences. If they were to do that they would surely feel much better than if they kept it in for their whole life, even if the punishment was to go to jail for the rest of their life, they would feel better knowing that they told people about the evil that they had held in for how ever much time, and they will be able to die at peace, or live out the remainder of their life happy and cheerfully, until they died of natural causes, or cancer. Or maybe they will be walking down the road in some forbidden forest on a school ground that teaches
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