Effect of Coppers

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Effects of copper on survival and growth of larval false clown anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris. Summary: This article is written by Takeshi Furuta, Nakahiro Iwata, Kotaro Kikuchi and Kenji Namba. The article introduces us about marine finfish species which shows a high mortality at the end of the yolk sac stage, also about the larvae which changes their nutritional source from endogenous to exogenous ones, this stage is called ‘critical phrase’. It is considered to be a lack of several essential nutrients in food, such as fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which were developed to enhance the survival during the stage. In contrast, minerals might be absorbed not only from diet but also from the ambient water in developed fish. Fatty acids are one of the most important nutrients for most finfish species, and supplementation of dietary fatty acids improves survival and growth for marine fish larvae. Copper is one of the essential trace minerals, which plays an important roles within the activity of enzymes as well as within the metabolism; however, copper deficiency in the diet and ambient water reduce the growth rate of the fry considerably. There were two experiments tested and for which material and methods were such as wild adult pair of anemonefish, water temperature, and tanks. Experiment one was based on the effect of the copper on survival and growth of the fish which were examined under the semistatic condition with six different copper concentration. It was also based on the natural (control) and the copper-added seawater which were kept for 24hrs before the experiment. This experiment was conducted for fourteen days, the species were weighed and pooled at the start and were individually weighed at the end. The second experiment was obtained from the seven different spawning, It was similar to those in experiment one. However, the concentration of the copper

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