Educational Adjustment; What It Entail

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INTRODUCTION Education is a natural harmonious development of the child’s talent, power and innate potentialities. It is a process in which the personality of one person influences that of others with a view to modify his behavior so as to bring about all-round development in thoughts, feelings and actions. Pataki, 1990 is of the opinion that adjustment is an inbuilt mechanism for coping with the problem or other realities of life. Adjustment has been considered as an index to integration of a harmonious behavior of the individual by which other individual of society recognize that a person is well integrated and adjusted. In the modern society of today, life is becoming very complex and conflicting day by day. In our society, only a well adjusted person can survive without psychological stress and eventual break down resulting from maladjustment. Hence adjustment is important in all day to day life activities. EDUCATIONAL ADJUSTMENT When we talk about educational adjustment, we are looking at those things that have to be put in place to aid, help or assist student who in one way or the other have some challenges that may make education really difficult for them to attain or achieve. Successful attainment or achievement of which leads to happiness, good integration into the society and help to succeed in later tasks and life, failure lead to unhappiness and probably psychological break down or a developmental lag. Educational adjustments are the changes, supports or modifications that can be made to enable all students to learn and demonstrate: what they know and what they can do with what they know. Educational adjustment goes beyond teaching and learning but rather includes cordial relationships among and between administrators, teachers, parents, students and the community that influences over all development through the academic demands of formal
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