Educational Achievement Of Girls

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Some sociologists think that gender has a major impact on students’ education life. A few decades ago, boys used to show excellent performance in education and girls weren’t performing very well, sociologists called this the Gender Gap; disproportionate difference, as in attitudes and values between males and females. But as the time changed, females became more independent and confident in society, females outperform males in education now and sociologists call this changing relative gender gap. Statistics have clearly shown that all students are progressing and making improvements in education but female students are performing better than male students. Statistics also show that achievement of boys and girls vary with the subject choices, boys usually perform better in math, physics, computing etc and girls do better in subjects like history, English, biology etc. Sociologists research and argue about the reasons behind all this and they say that there are both external and internal factor that effect girls’ education. Some sociologists think that there are many factors outside the education system which affect a woman’s achievement in education. Decades ago our society was a Patriarchal Society; system run by males and not females and it was everywhere; at home, work, education, media and politics, so girls lacked role models to look up to and follow their footsteps. Girls were also socialized in a way by their parents and relatives that education and a good career are not the important things and they should prefer being at home, doing household work and having a family in future. But now a massive change in society and in people’s attitudes and values has made girls do well in education. Sociologists put forwarded four external factors, which massively changed girls’ educational achievement. Girls’ changing perceptions and ambitions on level of primary
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