Education Makes One Complete

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Q.1 YOU ARE ASKED TO GIVE A SPEECH IN YOUR CLASS ASSEMBLY, ON THE TOPIC “EDUCATION MAKES ONE COMPLETE”WRITE IT AND PRESENT IT TO THE CLASS. “Education is a companion, which no misfortune can depress No crime can destroy, No enemy can alienate, At home a friend, In society an ornament Without it what is man ? A splendid slave and a reasoning savage” Education makes one complete Education is an easy target for criticism because its stated aims are often so nobly ambitious that they have little chance of being realized. There are 2 types of education: one teaches us how to make a living, and the other how to live. in technical sense, education is the formal process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge from one generation to another, through instruction. It has a specific finite life ,is structured and focuses on bookish knowledge. The main purpose for a layman to get educated is to get a competitive qualification, build a career and receive a well paying job leading to a better life, thus acquisition of the qualification is the main aim of education. However, this type of education does not make a man complete in real sense Ironically people who have made their mark in the world of ideas, who have been acknowledged leaders and innovators, have held formal education and educational institutions in low regard for instance, Bertrand Russel says that Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education. Oscar wilde ,feels that Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. Now lets take a look at some notable names who made history without formal education..Michael Faraday, Srinivasa Ramanujan , Gregor Mendel, William Herschel. Other names who were either school or college drop outs include Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs ,
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