Education in Mauritius

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Education system in Mauritius * * * Education has always been an important aspect of the Mauritian society ever since its independence in 1968. It was seen as the key to success for this small, remote island to move by. The education system evolved over time from a private one to a publicly funded one where both boys and girls were given equal access to education. While the PSSA (Private Secondary Schools Association) is responsible for the privately owned schools, the government is responsible for all other state schools. The hierarchy of the educational system is from pre-primary, primary (CPE - Certificate of Primary Education), lower secondary (Cambridge School Certificate - SC), Upper secondary (Cambridge Higher School Certificate - HSC) and tertiary education. Primary Education As of 2002, the ranking system at the CPE level has been abolished by the Ministry of Education so as to alleviate the pressure off the students at the primary level; the new system includes the allocation of schools to students based on their school choices on a regional basis. Children get to prepare themselves during the two years of standard 5 and 6 to sit for the CPE exams. Pre vocational education is offered to students who have failed the CPE twice ever since it has become mandatory that education is compulsory up to the age of 16. Secondary Education Secondary education consists of 7 years of schooling. At Form 3, a choice of subjects is made for the SC exams and at Form 5 it is repeated again once the SC results are out for the HSC exams. Physical education is highly encouraged at this stage to keep the students fit and healthy. It has been noted that girls work better than boys both at the SC and HSC exams though in the past most girls were excluded from education. There is fierce competition nevertheless in these examinations in the name of the star
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