Editorial By David Suzuki Analysis

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Investigating the Editorial: 1) The topic of David Suzuki’s editorial is the effects of emissions on climate change and possible ways to fight it. 2) The author’s opinion on the topic is that we need to embrace the Kyoto Protocol because it takes time to put international treaties in place and emissions continue to increase and it is the only realistic option as it is already in place and set up. 3) The purpose of this editorial is to bring to the attention of the reader the effects of climate change and to make them aware that waiting to fight it is not an option. 4) a. The criticism in the editorial is that the Kyoto Protocol is not enough to reduce emissions that climate change as stated in the editorial “Alone, it will do…show more content…
Suzuki states his points well and in a way that everyone can understand making us aware that we need to act now not later to bring about change to reduce emissions and save our environment. EDITORIAL A- TITLE: Canada envy of the world, period 1. The topic of the editorial is Canada and how the world perceives our economy and government. 2. The information on our countries economy and government are accurate and insightful. We as a country are continuing to prosper and other countries are still struggling after the recession our government works hard to ensure we are not having our taxes raised and that they are using sound judgment in their policies. 3. The author’s opinion on this topic is that our government is on the right track and that we as citizens should stop our complaining as we have it pretty good, we could be worse off like the Americans. 4. I feel it is a very good editorial, it brings a lot of food for thought, and it makes one think about how lucky we have it here in Canada. We could be overtaxed and not have any new jobs, and be still on the downward spiral after the recession of 2008. We have been able to bounce back unlike a vast number of other…show more content…
The topic of this editorial is the frivolous spending by our current premier and his government. 2. Our provincial government has brought in many initiatives and has spent money in ways that we cannot understand, they have cancelled projects that have has costly effects to the province and kept in place others that will continue to cost extravagant amounts. 3. The author’s opinion on the topic is that our premier is like a drunken sailor who spends money needlessly to make friends and that it is in the long run harming Ontario families. 4. I feel this editorial is somewhat effective, as I do support the ORNGE service, it has and will continue to save lives it is management that is the issue not the employees as they are there to do their job and are good at it. I feel that that the opinion expressed are his, but that he need to give more examples to substantiate his

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