Economic Discrimination Against Homosexuals

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ABSTRACT Economic discrimination is a plague that affects many minorities. As a minority group, do homosexuals also experience economic discrimination? This paper explores the topic by researching workforce factors such as job, wage, and income inequality. From the research acquired, homosexuals are found to experience discrimination in the workforce as they are not, for the most part, protected by equal employment acts. It is harder for homosexuals to find and keep positions, and employers often treat them differently. In regards to income, a startling gender disparity exists between homosexual males and females. Males are found to be more likely than females to experience a negative discrimination in which they receive smaller wages than heterosexual males and make overall less income. Females on the other hand, actually have a positive discrimination in which they receive higher incomes than heterosexual females, although this may be explained in part by the fact that they are less likely to have labor force participation interrupted by bearing children. The results, however, are largely inconclusive as many other causes that are not easily isolated, such as ethnicity and health, are involved when comparing homosexuals with heterosexuals and determining economic discrimination. “Homophobia” is a term describing the irrational attitudes of hate and loathing felt toward homosexual people. Within the past thirty years, this word has spawned a more blatant and more profound discrimination toward this group of people with sexual preferences challenging the norm. In fact, recent studies have unveiled that more than 30% of gay youth have been threatened or injured because of their lifestyles. Hate crimes, such as the 1993 Brandon Teena slaying, remain prevalent (Burns, 2007). If discrimination toward homosexuals is so rampant that it repeatedly escalades into

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