Ecology Overpopulation and Economic Development

505 Words3 Pages
ecology overpopulation and economic development Approximately ten thousand years ago, the total population of the earth was only about 5 million people. During that time, the human species had a negligible influence on the ecology of the planet as a whole. The beginning of the nineteenth century the total population exceeded 1 billion, but the next 100 years the total population increased to over 6.1 billions. At this time, overpopulation effects the ecology, environment and economic development. Overpopulation will be biggest problem of the 21th century. Overpopulation means any given species cannot exceed the carrying capacity of the land it inhabits. Because of the pressure overpopulation, people don’t have enough water, food, and living area. This is the reason they develop the vast forest area used for farming and clear the area the people to live. For example in areas of Nepal, they cut down the vegetation to provide wood for heating and construction, the fertile topsoil is eroded by rain because it is now without the protection offered by natural vegetation. The hillside fields then become unproductive, incapable of supporting the people who have settled there. Because they didn’t carefully develop the vast forest area, they lost the land now. In the World, some countries used tropical zones to provide employment and earn money from exports. Because overexploitation of tropical forests affect the global climate. The burning of the forests releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, emissions are contributing to potentially disastrous changes in global climate patterns. As the forests vanish, so too does their diverse plant and animal life. Overpopulation has begun to destroy the environment. Ecological damage caused overpopulation, so we had to start doing measures to control the population. In Indonesia For example,
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