Eco203 Week 1

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Economists By Joseph Payne Submitted March 12, 2012 Course: ECO203 Instructor: Steve McQueen Economists generally agree that high budget deficits today will reduce the growth rate of the economy in the future. Why? The concept of a budget deficit is deceptively simple. If I spend more money in a year than I have received, then I have run a deficit. This situation then requires either that I take money out of any savings that I might own, or that I borrow money to cover the difference. This basic definition, more technically known as a "cash-flow" deficit, simply says that a deficit exists whenever the…show more content…
In other words, does it matter whether the deficit is caused by lower taxes, increased defense spending, more job-training programs, and so on? Yes. If a budget deficit is created because the proceeds are invested in something economically productive, it can be a very positive thing. Unfortunately, government has a history of investing in things that have a low/negative economic return. If the deficit is created for those reasons (usually is), then it's a very negative thing. In your analysis, what role do fiscal and monetary policies have to lead to higher or lower budget deficits? What are the main economic and social justifications for a higher level of government spending and borrowing? Two main arguments stand out Government borrowing can benefit economic growth: A budget deficit can have positive macroeconomic effects in the long run if it is used to finance extra capital spending that leads to an increase in the stock of national assets. For example, spending on the transport infrastructure improves the supply-side capacity of the economy. And increased investment in health and education can bring positive effects on productivity and
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