Eco 372 Week 3 Individual Assignment

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EMBA 512 Assignment #5 Mooney Scott Brown 1. Think of two events that you have experienced that could have been analyzed with the simply demand and supply concepts presented in class. Provide a discussion and example of each event – draw the graphs (no more than 1 page in total). a. The two events that come to mind of course are in my particular field of work. One that has a significant amount of attention currently is the Flu Shot. Initially when flu shots came out it was price driven and people were very selective. Prior to ordering, we would try to predict the price and the volume needed for optimal usage and minimal waste. Below is the Demand and Supply Curve: 2. b. The second issue that we…show more content…
This information and exercise has been helpful in confirming an overall feeling or knowledge on how much Flu injections to buy or whether to purchase a new MRI. It has helped to validate feelings and to minimize my margin for errors so I could plan better and how to improve communication between our front line sales and the decision makers. 2. If a manager received information about income elasticity of demand how could they use it? If a manager needed this information how could they get it? Is this type of information useful to you – why, why not? (No more than 1 page). f. Having this information would be useful for the many different products that I carry. It helps me predict the effects of the business cycle (Seasons or GDP when income levels rise or fall) on my sales. Currently we are in a slowed economy. Therefore, we have more unemployment or people watching their money more carefully and are more interested in price shopping. g. You obtain this information the % change in quantity demanded divided by the % change in the consumer’s income. Necessity will drive the income demand first and then as necessities are met and money increases, then luxury item demands will begin to increase. During a period where demand for Luxury items increase they will do it at a higher rate than the demand for
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