Eco 212 Individual

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People Make Decisions University Of Phoenix May 2, 2012 Robert Stack • Briefly explain the principles of individual decision-making. The principles of individual decision-making are as follows: Rational people- Rational people weigh out their benefits and cost of each of their goals. Then they use choose the action that the benefits would outweigh the cost. People respond to economic incentives- Economists emphasize that consumers and firms consistently respond to economic incentives. Optimal decisions are made at the margin: Economists use the word marginal to mean “extra” or “additional.” Economists reason that the optimal decision is to continue any activity up to the point where the margin benefit equals the marginal cost. In symbols, where MB = MC. Optimal decisions are made at the margin. • Provide an example of a decision in which you compared the marginal benefits and the marginal costs associated with that decision. An example of a decision where I would have to compare the marginal benefit and the marginal cost associated with the decision would be purchasing my SUV Envoy 2006. I drove a Chevy Cavalier for years, but needed more room for the family. • What were the marginal benefits and marginal costs associated with that decision? The marginal benefits were that I was able to purchase a new vehicle, more room, and most important reliable transportation. In addition, the same money I was paying full coverage insurance on the cavalier was only approximately 25 less than the full coverage on the envoy. The marginal cost is that the amount of money invested in the new vehicle plus adding monthly payments and more money on gas. • What incentives could have led you to make a different decision? Some of the incentives that would have led me to make a different decision would have been the price,

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