Eating Sugar Essay

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------------------------------------------------- Eating sugar ------------------------------------------------- by Catherine Merriman Most of us have been on a vacation in a foreign country, where they speak a different language and have another culture. If you experience that you can feel completely lost. People are afraid of the unknown, because it is different from what we are use to. It can be difficult to trust people that you do not know, and in the same way it can be difficult to feel safe in a foreign country and accept and understand the culture of the country. It is very easy to judge other people before you know them - much easier than to open up for a stranger. We normally judge people by the way they look, and especially if they have different backgrounds and nationalities than ourselves. But isn't that wrong? What if it is a very sweet person with a great personality hidden under a different appearance? We all know these feelings and thoughts, and the same goes for the narrator in “Eating sugar”. The story is told by a third person limited narrator. The reader is only introduced to the father’s feelings and thoughts, and we never get to know about the mother’s or the daugther’s feelings. It would have been a completely different story if we had heard it from the daughter Suzanne’s point of view, because Suzanne sees the situation in a very different way from Alex, the father. Alex is very uncomfortable with the country and the culture, but if the story was told by Suzanne we would probably get the impression that things were fine and under control. Therefore the narrator plays a major role in this story. The story is set in Thailand in the month of april. The climate is tropical and we know it is very hot, as Alex is feeling hot. Thailand is also described in the story as: "The land of smiles; but also of pirates, and bandits”
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