Eat Pray Love

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This paper will use the movie “Eat Pray Love” to explain the Standpoint Theory. “Eat Pray Love” is a romantic drama released in 2010 starring Julia Roberts on an adventure to ‘find herself.’ In perspective, an individual’s ability to find themselves relates closely to the standpoint theory as it is all about ones point of view and attitude towards a specific matter or concern. The movie “Eat Pray Love” goes to show that even with a great education, a wonderful lifestyle, a husband, and a successful career yet she was still unhappy and feeling alone in the world. Elizabeth (Julia Roberts), the main character, says as though she feels like she lost who she was and was not enjoying her daily life patterns because of it. Therefore, she embarks on a journey to ‘find herself’. She goes to Italy because she wanted to eat, indulge, and enjoy the quality of life. She goes to India to find her spirituality and devoutness within her heart and soul. Elizabeth ended her time in Bali looking for balance and happened to fall in love while being there. At the end of her time traveling and finding herself, Elizabeth felt as though her soul was whole again. She had the love and passion she once had and she knew who she was. Elizabeth experiences the performativity of identity while traveling to find herself. She saw things in a broader spectrum, she became friends with strangers, and she knew that her identity was complete again. Elizabeth’s day to day experiences had a great influence on her opinion and perspectives of not only who she personally was but also where she belonged in the world. She was able to recognize her value and influence in the world. In this paper I will discuss the specifics of the standpoint theory and how it is represented in the movie “Eat Pray Love” via perspectives of the people Elizabeth encounters on her journey and the atmosphere/culture she surrounds
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