Easterbrook Argument Essay

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Easterbrook Argument Easterbrook argues that abortions should be kept legal in the first two trimesters of a pregnancy but should prohibit abortion in the third trimester. Throughout his argument he mentions back to the Supreme Court case of Roe. vs. Wade. Stating that everything is based off of that court case and that is how everything is going to have to be. All abortion cases are brought back to the idea or are compared to that previous case. He states many ideas about why he believes this is what should happen and why the third trimester abortions should be illegal. The fetus shows complex brain activity in the third trimester and the activity is relatively close to that of a full-term newborn. Fetuses that have made it to the third trimester have and also are able to live outside of the mother’s womb. The Independence argument helps with Easterbrook’s argument; about how the fetuses can live outside the mother’s womb during the trimester. However, the independence argument states that the fetus is dependent on the mother during the third trimester but it can survive. It just needs to be helped along by someone even if it isn’t the mother. Another statement that the independence argument says is that the fetus is going to be dependent even after the point of viability and even after birth. Today many of the religions believe that life begins with when the sperm and the egg meet. But it wasn’t always like that; the Catholic Church believed that life started 40 days after conception. However, they couldn’t back this information because the bible has not clearly stated when “the spark of life” actually is. There are new findings showing that conception doesn’t necessarily mean that the woman is going to be producing a baby. Right after conception there is something called a zygote that is formed. It is the stage right before it becomes an embryo.

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