Earth Is Being Destroyed

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Our Earth planet was born from the Big Bang explosion billions of years ago. There have many changes during the Earth’s existence due to many reasons, and among the major causes is human activities. Some people reckon human activities have helped our home become a better place than ever with many useful constructing activities. However, many believe the human beings are destroying the Earth. I’m in favor of the opinion that the negative effects by human activities always overweighs the positive ones with terrifying damages at both outside and inside parts of Earth. Read more... Future of our Earth... by noel 24 Earth is the only planet in this universe that has favorable conditions to support life.God has created humans with natural desire for curiosity and inventions to make one's life better. All inventions and developments are actually interfering with mother nature.In my opnion, man is harming earth by these activities. I have so many reasons to support my point of view . I would discuss a few of the important ones here which are, deforestation, pollution and excessive use of energy sources. Read more... toelf essay... by darren Frankly speaking, it is really hard to distinguish whether human being make the earth better or distort the original appearance of the earth. It is a paradox, however we can still provide pro and con of this issue. Read more... Earth is a wonderful place... by helian Human activity does affect the situation of Earth, however, it also makes Earth a better place to live. We know that pollution was caused by humans thus making this world a polluted place but We should also consider that there are people out there who compensate this problem by planting more trees and using advanced technology to clean Earth's atmosphere. Read more... Harmful... by Shimoji Nowadays, acting by human being has become an integral part of the Earth
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