Earth; a Religious Planet

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RELIGIOUS LIFE OF PLANET EARTH On my visit to planet Earth, I was tasked with determining if Earth was a religious planet. First of all let me explain the criteria used to make this determination. First of all, they must believe in a higher power, a single god or multiple gods, or a supreme spiritual being that is responsible for the Earth’s existence as well as those living things on it. Second, they must believe in and take part in the rules, values, morals and ethics derived from their chosen belief. Within this is an established hierarchy of from man, to spiritual leader, to supreme being; very organized. Lastly, they must believe that every human on earth must answer to that higher power, or supreme being. This includes a belief that they are accountable for their actions while on planet Earth. While on Earth, I observed many people in a variety of organized religious activities. I saw groups gathering at Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and Christian Churches, as well as groups gathering at Muslim Mosques, Jewish Synagogues, Hindu, and Buddhist Temples. (Religious Tolerance) Many smaller groups or tribes gathered for prayer and worship outside by a sacred tree, river, or designated area. While the names or gathering places are different depending on the specific religion, the reason for gathering remains the same. They gather for fellowship in prayer to a god, or many gods depending on the religion, to tell stories, and reaffirm their beliefs. The frequency and times of the gathers also vary depending on the specific religion. They range from daily activities at specific times, to weekly meetings at their respective place of worship. They also have numerous idols and traditions that are accepted and performed openly for others to see, as well as performed in private. Persons following the Catholic religion have one God and pray the Rosary. They also

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