Early Years Level 3. Unit 2

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1.1. Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. There are a number of factors to be considered when assessing children and young people and that is: • Confidentiality- before carrying out observations on a child it is important to ask parents for permission first. Some parents are happy just for the practitioner to observe the child so it is crucial that, if you have taken any notes or left any records lying about that you put them in a safe place, where parents or visitors won’t be able to read them • Disability or specific requirements- A child who has a disability should not be compared to another child but should be assessed in line with their own development rate. You need to make sure that when you do observations or assessments on the child you have to make sure that they are appropriate and achievable • Ethnic, linguistic and cultural background- Children who have come from different background may have lots of different ideas as to what is acceptable and how to behave in various situations. • Wishes and feelings- the assessment should not carry on if the child does not want to continue or is becoming upset. The child emotional state needs to be considered and any problems at home need to be taken account. • Reliability of information- There is no point in assessing development unless we can do so fairly accurately. Some statements that are made about children can be inaccurate and that could harm children’s development, especially is they lead to adults underestimating a child’s potential. • Open and closed recording methods- some recording methods can make it easier for observers to show bias. When you use the sticky note method where observers write down anything they see is important. The danger to that is that an observer may subconsciously not pay attention to a behavior or skill that a child is
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