Early Exploration And Colonization

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Table of Contents: Unit 1: Early Exploration and Colonization p. 1-5 Unit 2: The American Revolution and Confederation p. 6-10 Unit 3: The First Presidents p. 11-15 Unit 4: Coming of the Civil War p. 16-18 Unit 5: Civil War and Reconstruction p. 19-21 Unit 6: The West and the Industrial Revolution p. 22-23 Unit 7: Progressivism p. 24-26 Unit 8: Imperialism and WWI p. 27-28 Unit 9: Depression, New Deal, and WWII p. 29-30 Unit #1 Early Exploration Spain gained much power and wealth from New Spain, and the new empire was larger than any other. Charles V and Philip II increased taxes (on peasants) to keep up with ambitions and wars sparked…show more content…
England financed most endeavors with investors instead of financial support from King/Queen. Roanoke sparks interest for success. England was initially less successful than Spain. o John Cabot sent by Henry VII of England, searched for the Northwest Passage, discovered Newfoundland o Roanoke 1587 by Sir Walter Raleigh, failure- colonists disappear after John White (leader) leaves France later “jumps on the exploration bandwagon” because they want to start a fur trade; however, the conditions are not bad enough in France to convince may settlers to move. The French learned to coexist with the Indians. French interest in exploration/settlement diminished until the 1600s. o Giovanni was sent to find the Northwest Passage, and Jacques Cartier was sent to find the St. Lawrence River. LEGACY OF THE AGE OF EXPLORATION: Passage discovered across the Atlantic for the transport of people, ideas, and goods. Protestant Reformation in Europe - Started by Martin Luther - Protestant beliefs: the bible is the only source of truth; individuals obtain salvation only by the faith that God could save them The…show more content…
- The states drafted their own constitutions for liberties, rights, obligations of citizens (6 states listed specific bills of rights- Virginia
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