Early African Connections

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Judge and Langdon Connections: A World History Chapter 13: Early African Societies, 1500 B.C.E.–1500 C.E. Lecture Outline Introduction The first camel caravan arrived in West Africa in 685 C.E. Muslim traders brought to the region not only good, but a transformation of religion, language, and more. I. Africa Before Islam Watch the video The Borders of Africa and World History. How African History Has Changed World History on myhistorylab.com A. Early African History B. The Bantu Migrations: Cohesion in Diversity 1. Bantu migrations 2. Bantu society 3. Islamic connections C. Regional Cultural Adaptations 1. Geography and climate D. Clans and Kingdoms 1. Clans 2. Polygamy E. African Traditional Religion…show more content…
Southern Africa B. Great Zimbabwe Learning Objectives 1. Why were the Bantu important connectors of African cultures? 2. How did Islam connect Spain to North Africa? 3. What made the trans-Saharan trade so important to Africa? 4. In what ways did Islam affect Ghana and Mali? 5. What factors helped Ethiopia resist the spread of Islam? 6. In what ways did East African and West African societies differ? 7. What was the impact of the Bantu on Central and Southern Africa? Discussion Questions 1. What challenges face the historian of early Africa? 2. What explains the connections between Africa’s numerous and diverse societies? 3. What explains North Africa’s relative isolation prior to the arrival of Islam? 4. Was there a single Islamic world, or regions? 5. How did the trans-Saharan trade impact the African slave market? 6. Why did the trans-Saharan trade stimulate urbanization and political centralization? 7. What was the connection between religion and trade in Ghana and Mali? 8. Why was Ethiopia able to resist the pressure of Islamic expansion? 9. What were the key points of divergence between the societies of East and West Africa? 10. How did isolation shape the development of central and southern

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