What is cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is the use of emails, instant messaging, phones, chartrooms, networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, to harass or threaten someone. Children who have early access to these websites are often being cyber bullied or doing the bullying. Mostly older children are likely to be cyber bullied than younger kids. How can we identify bullying and cyber bullying?
Stopbullying.gov characterized digital tormenting as a type of social abuse occurring through electronic innovation. These incorporates gadgets and hardware, for example, mobile phones, PCs, tablets and other specialized devices, including online networking destinations, instant messages, talks, and sites. One is being digital harassed when they get mean instant messages or messages, being the theme of gossipy tidbits through online networking posts which includes humiliating pictures, recordings, sites or fake profiles. The site's concentrate even underscored the association of digital harassing to physical tormenting. "Kids who are being digital harassed are regularly tormented in individual too."
There are warning signs of a victim of cyberbullying and a cyberbully. It is important to understand the warning signs in order to be able to help a child in this situation. Cyberbullying is a very dangerous behavior. It can cause many negative outcomes with the victim, including suicide. Parents, schools, children, and our government can work together to take preventive measures against cyberbullying.
The first practice that this paper will focus on is bullying. Bullying is a form of intimidation that can take different forms and has been in existence since time immemorial. Cyber bullying is a type of bullying in which the bully harasses their victim over the internet or through a technological device. While the internet provides opportunities for self-affirmation and self-expression, these opportunities can quickly become vehicles for denigration and cyber bullying (Kowalski, Limber and Agatston 9). At first, victims may choose to ignore the behavior by turning off their computers or cell
This reports objective is to investigate to what extent can schools intervene to prevent cyberbullying?. The sources used are : 1‘Cyber-Bullying: Developing Policy to Direct Responses that are Equitable and Effective in Addressing This Special Form of Bullying’(Brown, Jackson, Cassidy, 2006), 2‘Prevention 2.0:Targeting Cyberbullying @ School’ (Wolfer et al, 2013) 3 ‘Preventing and tackling bullying: Advice for headteachers, staff and governing bodies’Gov.uk. (2017) and 4 ‘School climate 2.0’ Hinduja and Patchin (2012). For schools to intervene to prevent cyberbullying. They, firstly need to understand what cyberbullying is.
If everyone adopted and educated people on netiquette guidelines would this issue be solved? Explain. Cyber bullying has become a serious issue. In chapter 8 reading of Informational Computer Literacy it tell us that, “the computer is neither good nor evil.”(Bowles, Mark D). People are using the internet for pornography, others are using instant messaging and sites like YouTube to promote bullying and fighting.
Experts have concluded that cyber-bullying can cause damage that is more psychological to people than the ordinary type of bullying, due to the incoming text messages and the feeling of being unable to escape from the online world. Cyber-bullying consists of hate emails, humiliating images threatened to be put up online for the whole world to see and a numerous amount of threatening text messages. Co-ordinator Sue Steel of the Anti-Bullying Alliance said that it infiltrates the home, taking away children’s safe spaces, and by taking away children’s safe spaces, it can have real life consequences for the younger generation. An incident back in 2009 highlighted the consequences of cyber-bullying, when, the 15-year-old girl, Holly Grogan jumped from a road bridge after a torrent of abuse on her Facebook page. According to Dr. Karen Douglas, the online world can be a very powerful tool to get the message out.
For children who have mobile phones parents can put a blocker on the phone which can only let them access certain websites or block certain numbers ringing them or the child ringing certain numbers. Schools may offer information about the risks and what can happen. Video Games • Abuse • Copying the violence they see • More open to grooming • Poor social skills The ways we can reduce these risks are to restrict access to certain games and maybe putting a higher age certificate on them. We can improve their knowledge on E-Safety and advise them how to be safe online and less vulnerable. We can inform them on strategies to resilience.
Should Students who commit cyberbullying be suspended from school? Cyberbullying is known as harassment and online bullying by peers. Cyberbullying is the largest online danger among kids. Social networking has taken the culture of youth by storm. How can we as victims, witnesses, or observers make a change to cyberbullying ?
Technology has made a way for people to bully each other over the internet. Cyber bullying plays a major role in middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Some adults may participate in this harmful activity as well. Cyber bully can be done over YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.