An Interpretation of Dylan Thomas' 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night'

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English Though an old poem, the poem “Do not go gentle into the good night” by Dylan Thomas conveys many different messages and could mean differently through different people depending on how they chose to decipher it. Though however we can clearly see that Dylan Thomas uses the metaphor of Day and night, being Day is our life, and night is life after death. In my interpretation the poem goes like this: We must never accept death, Though we are old and weak we must fight when we are on our verge of life, Though death is inevitable, and soon they see it come because they are weak Wise men will never accept death and take on the fight Good men that see the end in their sight, Cry because of how their deeds may have been more powerful granted if they’d have more life Men that enjoyed life, ones that celebrated in the sun light, Learn too late that they must grieve when the sunsets and on comes the moonlight Though even they will resist death And men near death that see with no obstruction that death is near, will rage against death because they know they can still live life as bright as a meteor and be happy But for you father, there standing on the divider of life, though it will be a struggle, I pray that your tears will be fierce as you fight against the night. Do not go gentle into that good night Rage Rage against the dying of the light. For me this poem this poem is a lesson that Dylan Thomas created to teach us that: Even though death is inevitable We should never learn to embrace it; instead we should learn to fight and never accept
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