©HSC DIPLOMA HELP ͟͠͞͠ Unit 502: Promote Professional Development Unit code: SHC 52 Unit summary The purpose of this unit is to assess the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills required to promote the professional duty to maintain the currency of knowledge and skills and the need to continually reflect on and improve practice. 1. Understand principles of professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice An important principle of CPD is that it includes much more than going on courses. All organisations need to develop a learning culture with work based learning at the heart of this. Continual professional development is a process of life-long learning that meets the needs of clients and enables care workers to expand and fulfil their potential.
I have learned how to evaluate these sources effectively in order for them to support my work. Knowing the motive behind the page and its information will help me judge the credibility of its content in the future. I now know how important it is to use the same evaluation techniques for internet sources as I would for a book or journal article. I have discovered the importance of acknowledging the work of others, and now have a clear understanding of how an online source is used, whether it be scholarly or non scholarly. I now have more confidence in terms of using online literature as a part of an assessment.
The first two steps serve to identify what I want to train and develop in the senior managers. The next step will be to divide the training into components that are easy to handle. 4. The training program should be aligned with organizational objectives so it is meaningful to the senior managers. According to Blanchard and Thacker (2007), this is necessary to show how important learning is for the success of the company as a whole.
“People, tend to dwell on the past. I like to dwell on the future. After all, that is where I will be spending the rest of my life.” ~ Leslie Fieger Education, knowledge, family and faith are the driving force of my life. I feel that I am an excellent candidate for the Texas A&M University in Central Texas cohort program dedicated to preparing teachers to become tomorrow’s principals. I am attracted to the opportunity of maintaining my ability to work professionally as a Secondary Science Teacher in the local community and to continue my own knowledge in the field of Master of Arts in Education with a Principal certification.
Learning Analytics focuses attention on tools and technologies in order to investigate the data coming from different educational contexts such as online learning environments (Dyckhoff, Zielke, Bültmann, Chatti, & Schroeder, 2012) to enhance teachers’ perspectives on how learning is happening. Especially, MOOCs offer certain demands and dilemmas that become accepted as a challenge practice in Learning Analytics approaches (Clow, 2013). An open learning environment such as MOOCs, afford an “exciting opportunity” for the Learning Analytics researchers (Chatti et al., 2014). They play a role as a part of the online learning phenomenon where large quantities of data sets are generated, induced by users who access platforms of the kind. These result in activities which are stored in servers and remain meaningless until they are analyzed.
In this critical evaluation I will examine the many factors the WWW has to offer to people as a learning resource and how technology has become a dependant feature in many teachers and learners lives. When evaluating any learning resource various factors become visible such as, authorship, relevance, currency of material, cost, user friendliness, practicality, language and effectiveness. The World Wide Web offers information and data from all over the world. This information that is available on the web is enormous, and because that information can appear to be fairly “anonymous”, it is necessary to develop skills to evaluate what is found. The clear purpose for all this information is practical, it aims to cover a wide variety of sources for people to learn, teach, gather information, share ideas etc.
My skills in reflecting on my own work have developed and I set myself daily targets, ensuring I meet them. The staff that I have worked with at both of my placements have been motivational. The English departments constantly endeavour to be better, to achieve more and to support each other. I have modelled myself on the good practice I have seen around me consulting with other members of staff to discover the best ways in which I can support students. I am interested in working in a dynamic, forward thinking and inspiring environment and I believe NCHS School would provide that.
43 Information on the performance of students is collected from a variety of sources. Published data about programmes and students is assured for accuracy in accordance with the requirements of university partners through annual monitoring processes and examination boards. The College's own thorough monitoring processes help to ensure the accuracy of data as an ongoing process through the year. 44 As a result of the Developmental engagement, the College was advised to introduce
I have seen first-hand how a strong technology base, stringent process adherence & project management are integral to a project. But most importantly, I have learnt the prominence of synergy between individuals, information and technology. This is what has prompted me look for an education that would cater to my passion and interests in both technology and management. My ultimate objective of achieving management excellence could be realized by pursuing a graduate course at a renowned school like Lawrence technological university; May I believe the United States of America is the pioneer in the fields of Engineering and Management and also holds the benchmark of excellent quality and services. I would like to cement the basic knowledge I have gained in the undergraduate program by pursuing the graduate course at your
As an educational developer, I think it is important for me to understand all of the available tools and to be able to advise both staff and students on the benefits and challenges to using those tools for learning, teaching, and research. Scope and Context This enquiry is primarily concerned with Web 2.0 technology, focusing on the usefulness of RSS feeds, Twitter, Skype, Google Docs, and blogs. In addition to coordinating a learning development centre at a small, teaching-led university, I teach modules on the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCert) at a private UK higher education institution that provides courses in professional