Dryland Ecology Essay

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MASENO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY SBT 310: DRY LAND ECOLOGY AND LAND USE NAME: ABONG’O OSCAR ODUOR REG. NO.: EDS/ 3024/ 09 PRACTICAL 4: FIELD TRIP STUDY. LECTURER: DR. WAGAI. TECHNICIAN: MR. O. PETER. DATE: 13TH- 17TH MARCH 2012. TITLE: FIELD TRIP ON DRYLAND ECOLOGY AND LAND USE IN ARID AND SEMI ARID AREAS OF NAIVASHA AND KIBWEZI. AIM: TO STUDY ECOLOGY AND DIFFERENT LAND USES MECHANISMS IN DRYLAND AREAS ABSTRACT Dryland is a type of ecosystem that experience dry seasons with hot sun almost throughout the year. The level of rainfall is very minimal and the humidity is also low. Since these areas experience very tough environmental stress, it is expected that little or no landuse activities can take place in such areas. But to the contrary, different mechanisms and adaptations have been introduced to mitigate the environmental stress and bring life to these dry areas. The two main mechanisms include the introduction of plant and animal species of high resistance to dry environments and the use of different types of irrigation. INTRODUCTION In the dryland ecosystem, the land mainly is covered with herbs of grass-family and shrubs (short trees). Survival of plants and animal species in these areas need special adaptations in order to fit well into these kinds of environments. Naivasha is an area with a cool environment, but sometimes experience long periods of dryness, but the humidity around the area is suitable for mainly flowers and vegetables to grow well (horticulture). Several types of irrigation types have been applied into use in these dry areas, for example, pivot center irrigation in Naivasha, and drip irrigation in Kibwezi. MARULA ESTATE LIMITED – NAIVASHA. Marula estate is afarm land known for its production of vegetables, flowers, fruits, and even the practice of animal husbandry. It is situated in the rift valley

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