Drugaddiction Essay

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Essay “DRUG ADDICTION” Drug addicts are people who, in general terms, suffer from a compulsive attraction for something harmful. The question is: why are there so many addicted in our society nowadays? It is true that there are many of them in this world we have to live in but, there used to be a good deal of citizens given to vice as well in last century’s society. Vice is the irresistible habit of doing something wrong. Virtue, on the other hand, is at the other end of the scale, that is to say, the habit of doing the right thing. The most widely known vices are: drugaddiction, alcoholism, smoking, lust, greed, wrath and gluttony. These are all the same, though some were not so widely spread; thus, for instance, a tango piece used to read as follows: “Do you remember, brother, the times of the past...? Neither cocaine nor morphine were known to us...”. The current times are characterized then by the existence of many addicts. Substance abuse has access to the homes of the rich and the poor just the same, no matter gender, religion or age. No one can be sure that a relative, son or brother will not succumb to some kind of addiction. The inexistence of a set of values – or the lack of abidance for them - makes the adoption of addictions possible. This situation worsens when the probable addict lacks ties and affection, specially within the family group. If family members do not have a strong presence, it is nonsensical to think that they might serve as a guide. The prospective addict will then find this guidance in other peers. Some addictions force the addict to hang around environments where they will meet other addicts and aquire or share this new habits, such as cigarette-smoking, alcohol and drugs. The search for money in order to cater for the necessities of drugs will lead them into prostitution, robbery, and drug-dealing. It is not easy to come

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