Drug Use and Popular Culture

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Primary Research Methods Assignment Topic: drugs Problem: marijuana use amongst youth Question: Do the increasing references to marijuana that exist in pop culture influence young people to try marijuana? Anthropology- A cultural anthropologist might approach this question by observing the culture of youth in the area of the study. Sociology- A sociologist might approach this question by studying the demographics of the area of the study to see the rates of things such as crime are in that neighbourhood, and also take on the study through a certain social institution, such as a school. Psychology – A psychologist might approach this topic question by working with individuals, and seeing if there are certain personality traits that make a person more susceptible to have their actions influenced by the media. Hypothesis: As the amount of marijuana references in pop culture increases, so does the use of marijuana amongst youth, as it becomes more acceptable. I think a sociologist would be most likely to form this hypothesis, as they are interested in the functions of human society and social behaviours, and as well they study the media. Method: The most effective method for gathering data to test my hypothesis would be a case study, as it is something that would have to be observed over time, and the combination of interviews and observations would be ideal. I would first implement my research by deciding where to conduct the research, and then interview youth in the chosen locations. Ideally, I would conduct the research with youth aged 14-18, done through a school. From there, I would ask about things like the movies they watch, music they listen to and if they’ve smoked weed before or not, or even if they have considered it. While monitoring if their use of marijuana increased overtime with their exposure to references in pop culture

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