Drug Use And Delinquency Response

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Drug Use and Delinquency Response Debbie Johnson CJS/240 June 21, 2011 Kenneth Jack Breinden What is the main reason of youth drug use? Professional believe youths who are involve with elicit substance are simply alienating themselves form the cultural norms of society in order to make a statement. While other professional, on the other hand, believe those juveniles who participate experiment with drugs other than alcohol and tobacco allow themselves to fall into negative peer pressures as a result of wanting to rebel, protest, hold a degree of resistance to authority toward ones parents and administrators or obtained characteristics for unconventional behavior during their adolescence. Juveniles may use drugs as a result of insufficient parental guidance, strong family bond, supervision or the presence of physical, psychological and substance abuse within, the juvenile’s home (Steffenhagen, & Polich 2009). How does drug use relate to delinquency? Studies taking from a Treatment Research organization have found youth who take drugs under 15 years of age are at a greater risk for delinquent behaviors than adolescents above that age. Depending on the type of substance being abused and its prolonged use, juveniles can become physically and / or psychologically dependent; therefore, juveniles are more willing to participate in delinquent activity, such as stealing or selling drugs in order to pay for their supply of drugs or seek out a negative socialization group with other delinquent peers, which in return will provide easier access to drugs (Liddle, 2008) This is where the delinquency starts and the teenager begins to commit a crime without thinking of what could happen if they get caught. All the teenager is thinking about is how to forget that they have a problem at home, school, or peer pressure they just want to get high and they

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