Drug Trafficking United States

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March 5th, 2012 Drug Trafficking in the United States The United States of America has been at war against drug trafficking since the early 1920’s. The drug cartel has tried different methods of moving drugs and money between Mexico and the United States. Americans have two major problems in the United States. The first being controlling how, when and where drugs enter our border and the second being assisting the Mexican government in keeping an eye on the drug cartel. Drug use by high school students has declined in the last few years due to: Increased security checks on our border, education materials taught in the classroom, drug tests and increased monitoring of known drug traffickers. Drug trafficking began in the 1920’s when…show more content…
“The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program was authorized by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and is administered by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).” (Gale. HIDTA, 2002) The program was developed to empower drug enforcement agencies to create different types of collaboration. HIDTA also gives additional funds for local and national drug enforcement agencies. The border patrol in the Southern United States has also improved their equipment to help detect drugs in different types of vehicles. (Gale,. The World of Criminal Justice,…show more content…
In conclusion, drug use in the United States, especially teen usage, is declining due to better drug trafficking laws, teen drug testing, better educational information readily available on the internet and in new books designed for young children. The use is also down due to a less corrupt government in Mexico. References DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). (2002). In World of Criminal Justice, Gale. Retrieved from http://www.credoreference.com/entry/worldcrims/dare_drug_abuse_resistance_education DRUG EDUCATION AND PREVENTION. (2008). In Dictionary of Policing. Retrieved from http://www.credoreference.com/entry/willanpolicing/drug_education_and_prevention Drug Enforcement Administration Drug Trafficking. (2004). In Mexico: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Culture and History. Retrieved from http://www.credoreference.com/entry/abcmexico/drug_trafficking González, Guadalupe, and Tienda, Marta. The Drug Connection in U.S.–Mexican Relations. San Diego: Center for U.S.–Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego,

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