Dropping Out of College

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Cause of dropping out of college Being married and staying in school is not easy. I remember when I first got married, nine month later I had my oldest daughter Jenna. It was not easy going to college, taking care of a new born and caring for a family all at the same time. The intense schedule eventually caused me to become overwhelmed and depressed. It also caused me problems with my family and I just ended up giving up. I was tired and cranky all the time. I remember when I was first a mother, wife and student was not easy. I would spend my days juggling all the duties that were expected of a 1950’s wife and mother. I would spend my whole days cleaning and cooking. I would feed the baby, wash her and play with her. Anyone who has had a baby knows how hard it is taking care of a newborn. It just never ended all the crying and not sleeping. I felt like I never had any help because whenever my husband was home my baby would not stay quiet with him. I would just sit and cry all night long, which eventually caused me to become overwhelmed and depressed. Being in school so young married with a kid and husband was causing me to have problems with my husband because I never had time for him anymore. I would spend anytime I had in between taking care of the baby and house chores doing homework. I was out of the house for four to six hours three times a week. This in turn would cause chaos at my house because baby would not cooperate with anyone else but mommy. Whenever I had time to myself I would want to do things that were for me and it would get me so mad and cranky when my husband wanted to spend time with me. I would be annoyed, aggravated and mistreat him because I wasn’t having enough me time. I think being in school as a full time mom caused me to have out of control hormone problems. I can happily say that I don’t regret quitting school back than
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