Driving While Distracted

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Driving while being distracted by other things is a dangerous risk most drivers choose to take every day. I found Barry’s essay “Driving while stupid” to be very effective in giving detailed examples of people driving dangerously. By him adding humor to his essay, I felt was a great way for him to get his point across and to keep the readers interest on such a serious topic. The point Barry was trying to make about some drivers is how they have “insane driving techniques” (Barry, 2011, p. 584) such as driving way to fast, not using the headlights at night, and having things distracting the drivers view. Barry also adds that “drivers do not have time for steering, as they are busy making phone calls, eating, reading, changing CDs, putting on makeup, brushing their teeth, etc.” (Barry, 2011, p.584). The most specific example Barry gives to support his point on “insane driving techniques” is the guy driving a convertible speeding down the highway with a TV in his face. Another example that supports Barry’s idea on “insane driving techniques” is in Argentinean city of Mar del Plata,” where nobody drives less than 65 mph and many drivers do not use their headlights at night just to extend the bulb life”(Barry,2011, p. 584). I have witnessed some pretty insane driving methods everyday as I drive down the road. I witnessed a lady speeding down the interstate with her left foot out the window and texting. How is that even possible? Another time I witnessed a young girl, probably 16 years old, speeding past me using two hands to put on makeup and putting her hair up into a pony tail. Another type of distraction that is dangerous is to drive while drowsy. A horrible tragedy occurred while my friend was driving while he was drowsy. One night my friend was heading home after a long day at the hospital with his cousin. My friend was driving down a long, empty

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