Driving Under The Influence

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DUI is an acronym that stands for "Driving under the Influence". Under the influence means drugs, whether legal, illegal, prescription or over the counter medications and alcohols that are known to affect on influence a persons behavior. In every state in the US it is illegal for a person to be operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You can be charged with a DUI if you are pulled over by police and they have reasonable evidence that your driving ability was affected by drugs or alcohol. You will also be charged with a DUI if you are found to be driving with a blood alcohol content above the states legal limit. Despite what people think today, driving under the influence of alcohol has been against the…show more content…
In the late 1970's, a law was passed that increased the fines on drunk drivers. The standard alcohol testing that is done to determine if a driver was intoxicated was using the breathalyzer test. Prior to the breathalyzer test police would often test drivers by asking them to walk a straight line, stand on one foot, etc. Alcohol levels vary from state to state. In the state of Pennsylvania non-commercial drivers 21 years of age and older are considered legally drunk when their blood alcohol content level is .08 or higher. Drivers of commercial vehicles are legally drunk when their BAC (blood alcohol concentration) is .04 percent of higher. School bus drivers and drivers under the age of 21 and considered drunk when their blood alcohol level is .02 or more. For bus drivers and drivers under the legal age .02 is a conservable limit, but for non-commercial drivers a .08 alcohol limit should be reconsidered. Their are several penalties for drunk driving. I don't understand why the alcohol limit is so low for DUI's when just one drink can make you over the alcohol limit even though you're still sober. I believe they should give out DUI's when people appear to be visibly…show more content…
For a first time offender their is a mandatory minimum prison term for 48 hours. and a fine that ranges between $500 and $5000. For sesond time offenders the fines are between $750 adn $5000 and a minimum prison sentence of 30 days. Third time ofenders are sentenced to a 90 day prison sentence and a fine ranging between $1500 and $10,000. All offenders whether first or third time must attend an alcohol highway safety school and must comply with all drug and alcohol treatment requirements imposed by the sentencing judge. The judge may also impose up to 150 hours of community service as well. Although their are some bad things that come with drinking and driving while under the influence people still continue to do it. It can cause many problems and accidents, not only to you but as well as your surroundings. It can cause fatal car accidents and it can also lead to many

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