Drinking Beer Essay

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It is palpable in our society that getting drunk can lead to unfavourable events. Drinking and driving can lead into a car collision. Heavy alcohol consumption is linked to a number of health problems, such as liver cirrhosis and damage to other organs. Alcohol dependence syndrome, neuropsychiatric diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, and various forms of cancer were also found be related to heavy alcohol consumption. (Collin) People’s abusive consumption of beer is troublesome but beer isn’t all that bad. You don't usually see “beer and nutrition” together, but perhaps beer is a bit misconstrued. It may actually be good for you when consumed in very moderate amounts. An American Dietetic Association (ADA) study found certain health benefits in moderate beer consumption. The study enumerated some of the most beneficial things about beer. An article in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture also found that beer is a rich source of silicon. To better understand the health benefits of beer, it might be a good idea to know what a typical pint of beer contains. Analysing beer is tricky because there are many variations in the ingredients and methodology among the bottles and barrels, but there are some well-known nutrients common to all decent brews which the report enthusiastically identifies. A typical pint (570ml) of 3.4% ABV (Alcohol by Volume) beer contains: vitamins from the B complex, including riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate, pantothenate and biotin. Broad range of minerals, depending on the water added in the fermentation process, but including copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, silicon, iron and zinc. 12.5g of sugars, mostly glucose and maltose (1). 1.7g of proteins from the added hops. Variable amounts of soluble fibre from the cell walls of the hops. Antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavenoids from

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