Dress to Impress

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Jalon Overstreet C. Matthews English Nov. 24, 2012 Dress to Impress Some of the most discussed and encountered issues concerning many school environments derive directly from the lack of a dress code. Many of the problems existing in our schools today happen to be dress code related. The portion of students too preoccupied with their outward appearance is far too great, not to mention it outnumbers its opposition, or students whose primary goal is to succeed in academics. It’s highly likely that students have internalized the message that how one looks is more important than who one is. Nonetheless, it’s crucial that issues regarding our schools are addressed, and that an elderly and nostalgic dress code is reintroduced. One who opposes school uniforms might say the most satisfactory dress code shades individuality, that one loses ones way to express oneself. I’m relieved to impart purposeful words that disagree. The tangle each and every student trots through is bound to inhabit intriguing areas worth exploring. It’s obvious, students “would be better off competing in more substantial areas like sports, academics, or drama” (Armerding 34). Each of these areas contributes to expressing oneself and maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It’s not whether uniforms will extinguish the very thing that makes one unique, but will they distinguish one’s talents, one’s eagerness to open one’s mind to things other than criticism and pessimistic praise. As well as shedding light on more positive ways to express oneself, Uniforms are surprisingly affordable. Trends tend to evolve and resurface over the years yet remain expensive and falsely valued. Uniforms are reasonably priced and “offer a relatively simple way to eliminate a meaningless, but very expensive competition” (Armerding 37). More time and energy, as well as money may be accounted for with the

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