Dreams in of Mice and Men

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Dreams in “Of Mice and Men” ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a novel that was written in a time of great upheaval and sadness. A time which famously became known as the “Great Depression” in American History. This was 1930s America when the country was going through a major financial crisis and the general population felt extremely insecure. It was within this backdrop that Steinbeck wrote this book. In it, he focuses on the fact that regardless of how vulnerable and miserable people may become, they always possess the power of dreams, which provides for them, hope for the future. In fact, it is these dreams of a better life that prevent them from becoming utterly depressed and frustrated with life. Steinbeck communicates this concept of dreams of a better life within his characters. Many people have dreams in their lives, although in order to follow or meet that dream, one must face reality first. The characters in this novel had dreams that were not real or possible to achieve, but they still strived to accomplish that goal. To achieve one’s dreams or goal it usually means to make sacrifices. In all cases, if a dream is not real, reality cannot face it because of the way reality is. The characters in Mice and Men did not face reality and could not achieve there goals. Many of them had dreams which they either could not meet whether it was because of a mental or physical disability. Usually the dreams were to become a superstar, or own a large farm and start a new life over, but back then, that was usually not possible because of the conditions and the depression. Many characters in Mice and Men did not realize or meet their dreams or
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