Dreams from My Father

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Lesson 1.1 Assignment Name________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Collection Connections Factors and Multiples 1. Hector is an event coordinator for a hotel. One of his jobs is to design seating arrangements for groups who reserve meeting rooms. He needs to set up an array of chairs for 60 people. a. Determine the distinct factors of 60. b. List the factor pairs of 60. c. How does listing the factor pairs help Hector with his task? d. Hector decides that the chairs best fit in the meeting room using 3 rows of 20 chairs. What does this tell you about the shape of the meeting room? © 2011 Carnegie Learning Chapter 1 Assignments • 1 Lesson 1.1 Assignment page 2 2. Tamara needs to set up an array of chairs in a room for 60 people. The room is in the shape of a square. a. Can Tamara arrange all 60 chairs in a square array? Explain your reasoning. b. Using the factor pairs, how should Tamara arrange all 60 chairs to come as close to a square as possible? Use a complete sentence in your answer. 3. Jorge needs to set up as many hotel meeting rooms as he can with exactly 60 chairs each. The hotel has a total of 700 meeting chairs. Will he use all of the chairs? Explain your answer. 2 • Chapter 1 Assignments © 2011 Carnegie Learning Lesson 1.2 Assignment Name________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Models and More Physical Models of Factors and Multiples 1. Mr. McNeal is the director of a university’s 120-member marching band. Part of his job is to develop the field formations for the band’s half-time performance. He wants the band to begin the performance in the shape of a rectangle. a. Draw all of the possible distinct area models to represent the rectangles Mr. McNeal has to

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