Dream Houses Essay

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“Dream houses” by Tenaya Darlington Tenaya the Author speaks about her parents, dream house. The house Tenaya grew up in had a bathroom, a tub in it, and no shower. The rooms were small comparing it to clubhouses, with a basement divided for her father’s music room and a play room. Every year her parents would speak of re-arranging the house, but it would never materialize and they would reply “we’re waiting for our dream house, we’ll probably move next year. After twenty odd some years, her parents finally moved. The house was modern looking flat roof with wood siding stained a cool gray. Tenaya and her brother normally visited her parents. She would describe the house as a retreat home for dreamers, so she would often look at her parents float in front of their windows with coffee. It felt like a commercial. In afternoon the family would take walk along the rave nine to where there is a river with a small island. Her brother and herself acted like children in the woods doing child like stuff, climbing trees, running through the trees, skipping rocks, eating hard cookies and drinking hot chocolate. Later in the afternoon they would, roast hot dogs and Marsh-mellows. Her mother gets a bit teary during these visits. She sometimes which they had lived here as kids things would have been better. Her mother never knew that Tenaya and her brother would drive across town visiting the old house, and checking out the old neighbors. In front of the old house Tenaya and her brother takes a trip down memory lane, her mom taking bubbles bath, father listening to stereo, fighting with brother for bath, there were lots of memories. The stuff they did in the old house can never be imagined in the dream house. They would return to the dream house. She thinks after her brother and herself has left, the dream house would become bored with nothing for parents to do and nothing in

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