Kim Yong Ik's 'Dream Comes True'

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Dream Comes True Most of people have a goal in their lives and they know that they need to overcome difficulties to achieve it. Although many people give up on their way when there is no visible result, as the proverb says, “No pain, no gain,” constant efforts are crucial to achieve dreams in life. Every international student who is studying abroad in different countries has a common goal. That is, finishing their studies to make their dreams true. International students have to study much harder and longer than the resident students because they need to learn a new language on top of the subject they study. Kim Yong Ik, who has become a published writer in United State, tells us his experiences on how he studied and tried hard to achieve his dream in the article, “A Book-Writing Venture.” Kim’s article made me feel related to his experiences because I am also studying in the United States as an international student. I felt a deep empathy toward him when he tells his own stories…show more content…
Because there are different language, culture, and history between countries, understanding and describing perfectly in second language like native speakers is almost impossible to international students. In Kim’s case, English was his third language. He wanted to be a published writer in the United States, and even his friend did not believe in Kim’s ability to achieve his goal. Kim’s language, Korean, has opposite grammar to English and there are a lot of expressions that cannot be translated to English perfectly. In the article, he explains the troubles he had when he wrote a sentence “Kim entered the house.” Because he wanted to describe the scenes as they are in his imagination, he had to consider the fitness of the word and choose the right one for the writing (42). Such problem delays completion of the work forever, so Kim took many years to practice that and mature his sense of the

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