Dr. Faustus Essay

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D Hafsa and Samana Dr. Faustus Final Assignment Submitted to: Madam Asma Mansoor Submitted by: Hafsa Salahuddin, Samana Arshad sec. A Question: Dr. Faustus represents the dilemma of every man. Yet in doing so his status becomes debatable as a tragic hero. Discuss. Dr. Faustus is a masterpiece of the renaissance Renaissance period, written by Christopher Marlowe. It successfully depicts the lusty, prideproud, discontented and dissatisfied nature of a human being. As it was written in the renaissance Renaissance era, in that era learning revived and the books and scriptures of Greeks were translated by the European scholars. People started reading those books and got inspired by their concepts about God, life and the place of human in the universe. The major concept that later turned into a movement and an ideology was humanism. Humanism subjected a human being as the centre of the universe and the crown of all creation. It demonstrates that man can reach at the level of god God and can descend as low as the level of animals, through the proper and improper usage of his intellect. This ideology bears a conflict between Christianity and Greek philosophy. In Christianity, man has to obey God and man is places placed below God, but it this is contrary to that the concept of the Greeks because in Greek culture, a human being can defies defy the gods and he is matchless in front of any deity. For the people of that time, humanism was highly acceptable because it expressed their desires to be elevated in the earth and to get freedom from the religious obligations and restrictions. They started getting moving away from religion and started believing on themselves. The People people became desperate to know about every phenomenon of life and the life hereafter and even the hell and heaven, that which is obviously forbidden in God’s laws. In other words, they
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