Dowry System Essay

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Dowry System When we live in societies, we are mutually benefices we have made accomplishments with civilization an development. But due to our superstition, ignorance and certain tradition and customs, we have also by-produced several social evils. ‘Dowry system is one of the serious evil practices of our society. Hindu social structure is predominantly patriarchal. After marriage, the brides have to go to live in their husbands home. Originally, women were greatly honored and worshipped in the family and society. Parents had profound love for the daughters and offered her money, furniture, clothes, etc. which the detached daughter could use for her good. But in the course of time, Nepalese society began to be unduly dominated by males. Now there are not similar standards for both male female in our society. Females are suppressed and exploited in many ways. The practice of giving wealth as a sacred token of love and farewell to daughters when given away in marriage taking an evil form. Dowry now has become a compulsion, not choice and a hearty gift. It has been taken by many as primary to bride. Dowry system is developing as a serious problem in the so-called higher castes and aristocratic families. Often it has disastrous effects. A good girl without a good dowry is not duly honored. A girl from poor parents has to curse her fate. She feels insecure and humiliated. Parents are compelled to collect huge dowry beyond their economic capacity and at the risk of possible bankruptcy. In the Terai situations are mach worse. If is a prestige to make an open bargaining for dowry (dahej). Families are found competing for dowries. Some greedy grooms run away right from the mandap if it seems that they are not getting the expected dowry. Many women fail to lead a happy conjugal life due to dowry system. Remarkable number
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