Don Ringgold's Health Wealth (Sm): Marketing Plan

4681 Words19 Pages
Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 2. Situation Analysis 2.1 Market Summary Tab 2.2 SWOT Analysis 2.3 Competition 2.4 Product (Service) Offering 2.5 Keys to Success 2.6 Critical Issues 3.0 Marketing Strategy 3.1 Mission 3.2 Marketing Objectives 3.3 Financial Objectives 3.4 Target Markets 3.5 Positioning 3.6 Strategies 3.7 Marketing Mix 3.8 Marketing Research 4.0 Controls 4.1 Implementation 4.2 Marketing Organization 4.3 Contingency Planning 5.0 Conclusion 1.0 Executive Summary Don Ringgold’s Health Wealthsm is organization in the marketplace that supplies the necessary tools for profitability on all levels. It is our business to provide for the consumer products and services that are safe, comfortable, and ultimately enjoyable. However, change is not easy; that’s why Don Ringgold’s Health Wealthsm is positioning in the marketplace, to assist where all things are pointing to change for the good of the consumer and investor. In today’s world there is a natural turn of events in business, holistically. Our products produce the good things in life to which many advertisements only allude. Health Wealthsm provides the actual tried and true means of satisfying the need to attain a life free of disease. 2.0 Situation Analysis The major critical issue is how can the author prove the findings that people can live a disease free life. The challenge has been met. The author first found that thousands have understood the cause, cure and prevention of disease for centuries. Subsequently the author learned to live that truth; and worked for the past twelve years with others willing to prove the same truth; and have accomplished the mission. What forces in the

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