Dog Phobia Essay

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A phobia is an uncharacteristic, tireless, irrational fear or relentless dread that causes a state of panic. In the United States there are an estimated eighteen percent of adults who suffers from some type of phobia(). An individual has the capacity to make a phobia of anything; elevators, water, dog, tight spaces, and open spaces. Individuals with a phobia go to the extreme to evade any perceived danger that is greater more so in their minds than real life. If faced with the foundation of their phobia, the individual will endure vast distress that can interfere with daily functions; it can occasionally lead to absolute panic(). Moreover, for some people the mere thought of his or her phobia is extremely distressing.Phobias can be a weakening entity. The loss of productivity and efficiency because of an individual phobia can be immense. Nonetheless, an understanding of psychology can give an individual the control to progress beyond fear. Within this paper a 23 year old woman name Sally with a dog phobia will be discussed. In addition, how classical and operant conditioning as well as observational learning is a factor in developing Sally’s phobia will be illustrated. Furthermore, how extinction and tenets of cognitive theory can help Sally overcome her dog phobia will be explained. Sally is a 23 year old woman who has a severe dog phobia. A negative experience with dogs at an early age caused Sally to have this dog phobia. At this present time Sally makes a special effort to avoid dogs or places in which dogs may be around. As a result it causes her to have anxiety when she encounters a stranger or enters an unfamiliar place.It is not uncommon for individuals to suffer from phobias. Phobias fall in a category of mental disorders known as anxiety disorders.This category alsocomprisesgeneral anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress
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