Does the Celebrities Have the Best Lives?

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Does the celebrities have the best lives? In general when we ask the majority of or young people between 10 and 12 years old what they want to be, they answer: I want to be famous! And they totally overshadowing hopes for financial success, achievement, and a sense of community. This make me reflect and I found three main reasons why people seek fame. Firstly because of the desire to be seen/valued ("Being on the cover of a magazine", "Being recognized in public"). Secondly of the desire for an elite, high status lifestyle ("Having the ability to travel in first class and stay at exclusive resorts", "Living in a mansion or penthouse apartment"). And finally because of the desire to use fame to help others or make them proud ("Being able to financially support family and friends”, “Being a role model to others"). For many people, being famous seems to be heaven for several reasons. I think the biggest attraction is the money, as famous people naturally seem to have lots of it. As a result, you have all the things that come with the money, for instance a big mansion, a fancy car, expensive dresses or jewelry. Then there are all the exclusive parties where you meet all these apparently interesting people, and, last but not least, everybody knows you, seems to be interested in you and wants to be friend with you. I think that this facts give to us an envy for have the same life. But when we reflect more about that we realize the money doesn't give to us everything. For example it doesn't give the privacy because when we are fame we are public property... Now I will discuss some reasons why being famous is more like hell than heaven. Firstly, the fact that everybody knows you could soon get on your nerves, since everybody knows everything about you, every time you go out on the streets you are followed by paparazzi or fans and you have no private life at all.
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