Does Social Dominance Orientation (Sdo) Influence a Person’s Position in a Social Hierarchy, or Is It Influenced by a Person’s Position in a Social Hierarchy?

3580 Words15 Pages
Does Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) influence a person’s position in a social hierarchy, or is it influenced by a person’s position in a social hierarchy? Word Count: 2,985 Social Identity Theory (SIT) and Social Dominance Theory (SDT) are two theories that have looked into individuals’ behaviours within a group. Both approaches make similar attributes, although there seems to be a varying degree when considering particular circumstances concerning the individual against intergroup threat, among other dissimilarities making each theory varied in their approach. Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) is assumed as a firm personality trait and according to SDT it should stay constant regardless of threatening situations. This essay analyses differences in these approaches regarding SDO as an influential factor when predicting behaviours which can establish an individual’s position in a social hierarchy being context dependent as SIT claims or determined by an individual as SDT states. SDT was instigated by Sidanius and Pratto (1999) and inspired from SIT (Tajfel, 1978; Tajfel & Turner, 1986). The theory attempts to comprehend the foundation of forming and upholding group based social hierarchies. They claim hierarchically based societies are more essential for a sustainable continuation compared to democratic societies which are not as stable, group based hierarchies are able to maintain their stability by reinforcing several mechanisms in the form of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination termed ‘legitimizing myths’, mainly through social policies exerted by high status groups. Similar to SIT, SDT states that low status groups or individuals attempt to progress their status, although SDT stresses the struggle of inequality between groups and dominance of higher status groups. Legitimizing myths is strongly influential in most societies displaying
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