By the age of 6 months a circadian rhythm is established and by the age of 1 year infants are usually sleeping mainly at night, with 1 or 2 naps during the day. The periods of deep sleep lengthen and there is a reduction in the amounts of active/REM sleep. Sleep patterns change during childhood and by the age of 5, children have EEG patterns that look like those of an adult but they are still sleeping more (around 12 hours a day) and having more REM activity (about 30% of total sleep time). Boys are also found to sleep slightly more than girls. As childhood progresses, the need for sleep decreases, but in adolescence it increases slightly, to around 9 or 10 hours a night.
By age 11, there were few additional changes: Those who were obese or overweight stayed that way, and those whose weight was normal did not become fat. In 1999, 13% of children aged 6 to 11 years and 14% of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years in the United States were overweight. This prevalence has nearly tripled for adolescents in the past 2 decades. Not only have the rates of overweight increased, but the heaviest children in a recent NHANES survey were markedly heavier than those in previous surveys. I believe that we should decrease the amount of proportions, junk food, and sugars we give to our children.
How much sleep does a person need? The amount of sleep required varies by individual and by factors including age. Children and adolescents, for example, typically need more sleep than young and middle-aged adults. The average adult needs anywhere from 7 to 8-1/2 hours of sleep per
Genetic Explanation of Depression Research on the heredity of depression within families shows that some individuals are more likely than others to develop the disorder. If you have a parent or sibling with depression, you may be 1.5 to 3 times more likely to develop the condition than those who do not. This suggests there may be some kind of genetic influence. Gershon 1990 studied 10 families, and found rates of MDD in first degree relative ranged between 7-20%, which i considerably higher than the rest of the population. Weisman 1984 also found that relatives of people diagnosed with depression before the age of 20 had 8x greater chance of being diagnosed with it.
Surveys show that teens rely on naps to make them more refreshed. You should only take at the maximum a 45 minute nap anything more than that disrupts your biological clock and this is what causes you to wake up angry or irritable from a nap. Other factors also play a role in getting good night’s sleep. For example, caffeine plays a huge part in not getting any sleep, 31% of adolescents surveyed said that they cannot sleep after drinking a caffeine drink before bed. Technology also has a huge role in not getting to sleep.
Experimental Research PSY/285 February 17, 2013 Experimental Research Pharmaceutical Research: Sleeping Aids There are many different kinds of sleeping aids that can help someone fall asleep today. Insomnia is when a person has a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, or a disturbance in the quality of sleep a person gets that will make them feel they are not well rested when they do wake. Insomnia is more common today then we think, about 10% of adults suffer from severe insomnia. Lack of sleep may cause someone to have no motivation, mood swings, and not be able to function to their full potential. Insomnia has also been known to cause depression, anxiety, and stress, which in turn can cause other health problems.
Most natural health professionals say “No.” Everyone knows that getting enough sleep is very important. After a good nights sleep, you feel better, your thoughts are clearer, and you’re more emotionally stable. However, if you don’t get enough sleep because of energy drinks, then you will notice a difference right away. The less sleep you get, the bigger chance you will get something called “Sleep Deprivation.” Sleep deprivation is a sleeping problem when you don’t let your body receive enough relaxation as it should. So basically, when you drink too much energy drinks, you’re not allowing your body to get enough rest.
Stage one is not repeated. The first time you pass through REM it lasts about 10 minutes, but it can go up to an hour. Some cool effects of REM sleep are that this is where dreaming occurs, but one wont remember when he or she wakes up, genitals arouse in both males and females, and motor output is inhibited so no self harm is done. The suggested amount of sleep hours varies between age group. Newborn children require 12-18 hours, infants require 14-15, toddlers need 12-14 hours, preschoolers need about 11-13 hours, elementary school aged children need about 10-11, teenagers need anywhere from 8 and half hours to 9
Everyone can say that their fine with just a few hours of sleep, which in this case is not okay because my body and mind need a certain amount of sleep. Without sleep our mind will not be able to function as thriving as he or her want it to be. Even without enough sleep our body will not be healthy enough to function properly, particularly at an older age. Thus mean that for the generation now and in the future, its best to control the amount of sleep everyone gets for his or her own
Stage 1 sleep begins when sleep has just begun. During this stage, the EEG has irregular, jagged, low voltage waves. The overall brain activity has decreased from when awake but is still higher than other brain stages. In succeeding stages, heart rate, breathing rate, and brain activity decrease and slow, large amplitude waves become more common. There is also a stage of sleep called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.