How does The Red Cross charity leaflet persuade people to donate money? Discuss the use of presentational devices as well as the use of language and form.

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WRITING FRAME The main purpose of The Red Cross charity appeal is… Here, you should discuss what you think the letter is trying to do. Be specific. You will need to give some information about what The Red Cross does. We can assume, therefore, that the target audience for this appeal would be… Consider all the types of people that this letter could be aimed at. Explain why you have come to these decisions. How can you tell? The charity has used a number of techniques to achieve its aim. Let us start by examining the use of language… This will form a large chunk of your essay. You should write about the following things, making sure that you use quotations to support what you are saying: Emotive language The use of metaphors and similes The use of alliteration and its effect Punctuation is also used effectively… Write about the effect of pauses caused by commas, the effect of short, sharp sentences and any other interesting use of punctuation that you notice. The syntax of some sentences is particularly clever, because… Which sentences end with an important word to echo in the reader’s head? (For example “I’ll always remember you,” is a little less poignant than, “I’ll remember you always…”) The way the information is structured is effective because… Write about the way the writer has ordered the information. Why has he chosen to start or end in a certain way? Comment on the way the descriptions of human suffering become more and more detailed. Presentational devices play a significant role in persuading readers to donate their money. For example, the images… Comment on all the images, taking each one in turn. Why do you think these particular images have been chosen? What effect will they have on a reader? The layout of the letter is similarly important because… Write about the way the letter is set out. How has the

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