Does Facebook Aid or Hinder Social Interaction?

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The popularity of social networking websites such as Facebook has increased drastically over the past decade. Websites like this one are used to communicate with others and share information about one’s self with other users. Facebook, in particular, seems to be the most popular out of the many social networking sites today. The Internet can have harmful, declinitive effects on a person’s real-life social ties and mental health. Facebook hinders social interaction because it lets us create a version of ourselves that is completely different than who we really are, it can be addictive if over used, and it also can make us very lonely and depressed. Facebook gives us the power to change anything and everything about ourselves. If we don’t like something about ourselves, we can change it with just one click of a mouse. Due to bullying, some kids and teenagers, even adults change their whole look and lifestyle on Facebook, because they can be whoever they want to be behind a computer or phone screen. They can do this with little to no ridicule from others, by changing their likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. They find groups that accept them but not for who they really are. Facebook gives us the power to create the “new you” but we mostly likely will only be that version of ourselves online. This hinders social interaction because if we were to meet with the people that have accepted the online version of ourselves, we would not be the person that they were expecting. Facebook is a way to make superficial friends. Those who you don’t talk to very often, but you consider them friends. The dynamics of meeting on Facebook causes you to judge them by their appearance.What’s the first thing you do when you make a friend on Facebook, you look at their profile which gives you a glimpse of their personality and likes/dislikes. And this information might not be an accurate

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